Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Operation BAM: Day one

Thank you, Kara, for giving me a name for the goals I have for this week :)  I loved your comment yesterday

I do want to be a badass mommy!  I gave it my best effort this morning.  I ran three miles in 29:53, which is just under 10min/mile overall.  I actually walked the first couple minutes and then ran very slowly for the first quarter mile and then bumped it up to 6.5 miles/hour (9:13 min/mile).  I should have run a longer distance but unfortunately, I snoozed a few too many times and then had to get my running clothes together.  Tonight I will be getting my running gear together BEFORE bedtime.  Oh, by the way, I fell asleep before ten o'clock last night and got into bed by 10:20pm.  I missed some key dances on DWTS but I feel great today!

Let's get onto to some more feel good stuff ---Things I am thankful for!

  • Running Ricig's giveaway of a noodle hugger
  • Febreeze!  (I must saturate my back seat when I get home)
  • Concealer (hello, under eye bags)
I'm pretty excited for teleworking tomorrow because I am going to run outside on my lunch break and it is going to be infinitely better than running on a treadmill.

Are you a BAM?

What are you thankful for?


  1. I'm a badass, but not a mom. I'm a BAT - badass teacher. Nice job on the run!

  2. I try to be a BAM, but it is hard. Sometimes it takes everything in me to just be a mom and I don't quite get to the badass part!

  3. Haha, I love the name!

    Great job on the run!


I love, love, love comments :) Let me know what you think!