Monday, November 28, 2011

Gobble until you Wobble

That has been my activity for the past weekend and the scale laughed at my this morning.  I'm not sure how I thought eating my weight in turkey and pie wasn't going to negatively impact my health but it has. I'm pretty confident that the Hot Chocolate 15k will not be any easier carrying an extra five pounds on me either.

After my disappointing meeting with the scale, I hopped on the treadmill for some much needed exercise.  I didn't feel like running so I decided to bust out the HIIT.  It felt really good to move something other than my fork to my mouth.  Really, really good.  It felt so good that I even treated myself to a post-workout Max ARM (Anabolic Recovery Matrix) from Max Muscle Sports Nutrition.

I tried the watermelon flavor.  It wasn't terrible but I will NEVER crave that flavor.  Ever.  I actually went to a Max Muscle store right before Thanksgiving.  The woman I met with was wonderful.  She talked to me about putting together meal plans for me and sent me home with a TON of free samples.  I have been looking for something to drink after my workouts to help me recover faster and the ARM was what she recommended.  I really don't feel any different than I normally would so I am not sure how well it worked.  The true test will be after a longer workout.  Don't worry, I still have lemon-lime and strawberry to try out so stay tuned for that ;)

Do you have something you drink after a workout?


  1. After I workout, I have this really exotic drink. It's called water. :) If I'm feeling fancy, I mix in some gatorade powder.

  2. I usually drink a latte. Don't follow my advice ;)
    Doing HIIT on the treadmill is my favorite thing to do when I am not feeling a run. Love it!


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