Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The joys of Teleworking

Good Evening!  I just got done working from my couch all day.  It's a tough job but someone has to do it, right?  I have been teleworking one day a week for the past couple weeks and there is nothing better.  So that's why it makes the top of my list for things I am thankful for!

Hello, office!
When I first signed in to my computer this morning, I was sitting in my pajamas and ready to start my workday and I couldn't log onto the system.    It was like someone punched me in the stomach :(  There was no way I could have dragged myself into the office after being totally excited about teleworking.  Luckily, a call to the computer guy in our office and I was all set to work from home again!  Yay!

I'm so thankful for being able to go outside for a run on my lunch break when I am working from home.  I love that there is no one at my house but me and the dog so it doesn't matter that I come in from the run and spend the next two hours on the phone in my sweaty running clothes.

Oh, it matters.  Even I don't smell that bad!
My previous runs have been marvelous and I have really been feeling awesome about my pace.  Every good thing comes to an end, I guess.  Today's run was awful.  I usually do 5.5 miles on my break but I could only bring myself to complete 3.33 miles today.  I guess it's all the cookies, fudge, and candy that I have been inhaling the past couple days that made my legs feel like lead.  I literally wanted to stop running as soon as I started but told myself I couldn't wimp out like that, especially since I had so many extra calories to work off!

Finally, I am thankful for having enough time to cook an actual meal for dinner :)  I made a fabulous sweet and spicy pork roast from my Biggest Loser cookbook.

Don't judge me.  I know that's rice AND potatoes on the same plate.   The cheesy broccoli rice was the only vegetable I had to serve.  Maybe you don't mind but my mother would be horrified. 

Do you lounge around in your sweaty workout gear?

Are you judging me for serving two starches in one meal?

1 comment:

  1. I wouldn't judge you. I might have added a piece of Halloween candy for desert!


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