Monday, July 25, 2011


Good Afternoon!  I hope you are having a great day :)  So in my previous posts, I have talked about counting my calories and many of you have suggested different sites to me.  I have finally decided on Spark People.  It's a little like the Facebook of weight loss.  I have really enjoyed recording my progress on their website.  It's really centered around rewarding positive achievements and creating a social support for your weight loss journey.  So far it's been kind of fun :)

One of the things I like most, is that you can add friends to your profile/page.  You can find people with similar goals and become "weight loss buddies."  I have encouraged my parents to join so we can help each other. 

So far, I have been tracking my food, workouts, and re-posting some of my blogs there.  It's encouraging to see my weight ticker moving towards my goal and my fitness minutes increase with each workout.  I have a bit of a nerd streak that loves to analyze numbers and graphs :)  Here is a link for my page if you want to check it out

After all this talk of encouragement, I have to admit that for the past week or so I have been very DIScouraged.  I will confess I have been committing a cardinal sin in weight loss.  I have been weighing myself everyday and it has been reading the same weight now for about two weeks or so.  UGH.

I wouldn't be as discouraged if I felt that I was seeing a difference in the way my clothes fit or the way my body looks.  Maybe the discouragement is clouding my vision and perception.  Maybe not. 

Any suggestions on how to keep my motivation?  Any suggestions on how to break this plateau??



  1. For motivation--a few things I try is having a picture or some sort of visual representation of my goal (whether it be a triathlon photo, a models awesome 6 pack abs, a dress, just whatever is meaningful and goal oriented for you) and put it somewhere where I see it very often. On the bathroom mirror, on the frige, wherever works for you. That way you are constantly reminded about what you are working towards. Maybe even it's a picture of you and Julia biking together or something like that.
    I know you've been doing interval training, which I love and think can really help for plateaus. I would recommend this website--I get lots of fun exercise ideas here and a lot of there workouts are under 20min. You don't need tons of equipment to do their workouts and you can modify when they do require it.
    Don't give you--you are doing so awesome!!

  2. (I just have to say, that I know I spelled "there" wrong and I'm slightly embarassed, so wanted you to know that I'm aware of the different "theres". :)

  3. That's so funny that you mentioned bodyrock. I actually found their website a few weeks back and was really impressed with the workouts but never got around to trying any...I guess I need to take the plunge!


I love, love, love comments :) Let me know what you think!