Monday, January 30, 2012

Bridal Candy

I'm beginning to find that I'm not the typical bride. My mom and I went to a bridal show yesterday and it was insane.  There were millions of brides and hundreds of vendors.  Apparently getting married means that I should want to change every aspect of myself.  There were plastic surgeons at the bridal show for crying out loud!  I could hardly grab a piece of their free chocolate before they would ask what surgeries I was interested in for my big day.  Ridiculous.

The best part of the bridal show was the cake vendors.  I have now decided that the Edibles Incredibles have my vote for the cake.  The ones we tasted yesterday were very ordinary.  None of them even came close to the density and moistness of their cakes.  No, seriously!  You have to feel the heft of their cakes to believe it.  

Why am I not eating this right now??
After we made the rounds to all of the booths, my mom and I decided it was time to head home.  There was some fashion show going on and they were going to do some raffles afterwards but I couldn't sit there any longer.  The fashion show was awful.  I am pretty sure I hated everything in it.  Eff the free name change kit.  On the upside, something epic happened last night  when I returned home...  

Who wouldn't love that face?
Julia had pop rocks for the firs time!  I love that she completely did not trust me when I told her I had some candy for her.  I suppose that will work out well if she ever meets a creepy man in an pedi-van.  Or maybe not because I was definitely having a hard time offering her the candy through my giggles.  Anyway, she wasn't trying anything until I showed her it was safe so that ruined any chance of her thinking her head was going to explode because of the explosion in her mouth.  Boo.  Oh well, it was still fun sharing a little piece of my childhood nostalgia with her.

Would you have plastic surgery for your wedding?

Which thing from your childhood are you most excited to share with your offspring?


  1. Are you going to tell her that if she eats pop rocks with soda that her stomach will explode? :)

    1. She actually doesn't drink soda because she thinks it's spicy so it wouldn't scare her...I will definitely keep that one in mind for a rainy day when she is older and a soda fan :)

  2. I still love that she thinks soda is spicy. Of all wedding day plans, I think choosing a cake must be amongst the most exciting. Not only do you have taste to consider, but prettiness too! Did they at least have BEAUTIFUL cakes there?

  3. I can't believe that there were plastic surgeons at the bridal show! That's crazy. The only reason I would ever have that kind of surgery would be if I was in an accident or something.


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